Happy lucky things created in a happy lucky place
Created by Sarah Flicek artist . metalsmith . jeweler

As always, please feel free to
call, email, or catch me in the street.
We can plan a special creation just for you!
Contact Me
I have been creating with my hands since I was a child. Creating has always been healing, spiritual and a connection to the world & the kindred human spirit.
My art is a reflection of Life around me; people & things, natural & industrial.
Metal work is a perfect convergence of my desire to learn, tinker, explore and challenge myself. It answers my innate need to be precise and the freedom and creativity of being an artist.
I LOVE to create. I believe art spreads joy into the world and through creating and surrounding ourselves with art it is healing for our souls. I hope that belief shines through in my designs, the workshops I teach, & the life I lead.
When I am not in the studio you can find me navigating this crazy world with my three boys, Logan, Owen & Mason & our little love pup Luna... hoping & praying I can guide them to lead healthy, vivacious, curious, loving lives of compassion.
I am Sarah Flicek.