Happy lucky things created in a happy lucky place
Created by Sarah Flicek artist . metalsmith . jeweler
Create an Intro/Intermediate Metalsmith Retreat
Time is TBD
|Felixery Studio
Talk to me about scheduling 2 days of creating and honing your skills. In depth demonstrations scattered throughout & plenty of open studio work time with me there to guide in your personal projects. Limit 2 students. Just one of you? No worries, I will put out feelers for a second student.

Time & Location
Time is TBD
Felixery Studio, Delano, MN 55328, USA
About The Event
Introductory/Intermediate Metalsmithing: Weekend Retreat
Let's talk dates. Available Wednesdays-Sundays
Introductory/Intermediate Metalsmithing Retreat
Bring your notebooks, questions, stones, tools and torches if you have them. We will be covering much the same information as the Advanced Retreat but with more planned in-depth demonstrations and instruction. Projects to choose from will include creating a cuff bracelet, link bracelet with clasp, stacking ring bands, a bezel set stone pendant or bring in your own projects you are working on if you would like to work through problems you are running in to. I will help guide you with techniques & skills to create them.. Heavy on the hands on experience & focus on different soldering methods, proper equipment, use & safety, fabricating bezel, fabricating ring bands, cuff & findings (clasps, bails, etc), texturing and forming metal, discuss proper metal thickness for different projects, and finishing: clean up and polishing.
March Metalsmith Retreat
A weekend of creating and honing our skills. Micro instruction demonstrations scattered throughout & plenty of open studio work time with guidance; come and go as you please with me there to guide in your personal projects.
$300.00Sold Out
This event is sold out